From the Mind of the Gorilla


There’s no doubt – The AI revolution is here…

And, unsurprisingly, it’s coming with a hefty price tag.

How hefty? Well, a recent report from a major consultancy firm paints a picture of a world where the global AI market could balloon to an astonishing $1 trillion by 2027.

Let’s break that down…

Basically, tech companies are throwing money at data centers and software upgrades like they’ve just hit the jackpot – but while everyone’s busy predicting how AI will change the future – the hidden costs and challenges of this gold rush are starting to raise some eyebrows.

It’s not all sunshine and rainbows when you dig a little deeper.

There have been some moves recently by the biggest name in AI – OpenAI – that is starting to change the landscape of the future…

And it could change EVERYTHING.

Let’s see what’s going on…

Is there trouble in AI paradise?

And if this there is – what exactly does this mean for the tech world?

Well, as we talked about recently, tech giants are frantically building data centers to keep up with the ever-growing need to train and run AI models.

Think of these data centers as massive warehouses for all the brainpower AI systems require…

And these aren’t your average storage units – they’re supercharged hubs, designed to handle the intense computing power AI demands.

Simultaneously, software companies are in a mad dash to stuff their products with as much AI as possible – trying to one-up each other in the race to become “smarter.”

Yet, while the global AI market hit $185 billion last year…

It’s still just the tip of the iceberg.

According to the consultancy’s latest forecast – the market is set to grow by a staggering 40% to 55% every year until 2027.

That’s unbelievable growth.

That kind of upside means that the AI industry could hit $1 TRILLION over the next two-and-a-half years!

That’s absolutely insane!

Now, let’s not get too carried away with dollar signs…

While these predictions sound like a winning lottery ticket – there’s a catch – and a pricey one at that.

To support the growing AI infrastructure – companies will need even bigger and better data centers.

These aren’t cheap to build…

In fact, the consultancy report estimates that the cost of a high-end data center could shoot up from around $4 billion today to a jaw-dropping $25 billion within five years.

With power capacity also set to expand to keep up with AI’s ravenous appetite. – investors are starting to worry that these sky-high expenses might not deliver the returns tech firms are banking on.

But where there’s chaos, there’s also opportunity…

Beyond the obvious tech investments, some savvy players are looking to cash in on AI’s growth by eyeing up materials like copper.


Because data centers need a lot of it – to build, power and cool their sprawling operations.

One mining giant has even predicted that data centers could account for up to 7% of total copper demand by 2050…

And don’t forget about energy utilities – as data centers’ energy consumption doubles by 2026 – utility companies are preparing to rake in the profits.

In short, the AI market is primed for explosive growth…

But it’s not without its challenges.

Tech firms, investors, and even miners are all eyeing up their slice of the trillion-dollar pie…

Just don’t expect it to come cheap.

If you’re looking for opportunities in this explosive sector of the tech industry – you’ve got a few options:

You can become an expert…

Or you can lean on an expert.

Those are your two choices…

Or hear me out here: you can become a member of GorillaTrades today and we can help you navigate these unchartered waters – as our trading matrix is zeroed in on separating the chaff from the wheat.


By making recommendations based on data – we’re able to see which companies have the true potential to make investors money…

And which are held up by hype.

We make it easy for you – all you really have to do is hit the “buy” or “sell” button after we send out our email.

That’s it.

And we’d really like you to join us on our next round of picks.

If you want to take advantage of this truly emerging market – then you’ll want to make a move as soon as possible.

So, please – consider becoming a member today.

Regardless of what you choose, we’ll continue to give you the tips you need to make more educated decisions.

There’s no doubt that AI is the future…

Keep your eye on the prize, my friend!


“I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.” – Albert Einstein