How do you feel about board games?

If you’re from the Northeast or Midwest – odds are – you grew up playing these games with friends and family – especially during the cold days of winter.

We all have our favorites – but there is one board game that we all played – but never seemed to be able to finish.

Yes… I’m talking about Monopoly.

This game is a classic – and the goal of the game is to own as much property as possible so you can bankrupt your opponents. Basically, it’s the blueprint on how to run the monopoly of a property baron.

I know families that have gotten into fights over this – and not talked for years…

However, as fun as the game can be – the fact that it’s based on something “illegal” in America. It seems the American government has a problem with wide open capitalism – and has put mechanisms into our system to stop monopolies.

Apparently, the tech industry forgot about this fact…

Until now.

It looks like Google’s (GOOG) been caught in its own game of high-stakes monopoly…

And I’m not talking about the board game.

The US government is pulling out the rulebook – and Google’s search dominance is under serious scrutiny.

In a rare, and in what some say, and audacious move – the Justice Department is considering breaking up the tech giant…

Which could spell the end of an era for Google’s empire.

So, what’s at stake? A lot, actually – especially if you’re one of the billions of people using Android or Chrome.

Earlier this month, a court finally called out Google’s monopolistic (is that even a word) ways – deeming its search stranglehold illegal.

Now, the Justice Department is toying with the idea of splitting up the tech titan.

This is HUGE – and if the government gets its way – it’ll be the first time since the Microsoft (MSFT) debacle 20 years ago that the US. has seriously considered tearing a company apart for monopolization.

The first casualties in this breakup? Probably Android and Chrome – which might soon find themselves tossed out like yesterday’s leftovers.

Even if Google manages to dodge the breakup bullet – it’s likely to see its exclusive contracts – those cozy little deals that were the heart of the initial case…

Tossed in the trash.

And when a giant like Google trips – it’s not just Big Tech that stumbles – it’s the entire market.

Google’s been shelling out up to $26 billion just to keep its search engine as the default on various devices…

Apple (AAPL), ever the opportunist – has been pocketing a cool $20 billion of that sum.

But with Google’s current predicament – Apple might start feeling the squeeze.

Yet, in the grand game of corporate chess – Google’s loss could be Apple’s gain. With Google on the back foot – Apple could double down on its privacy-first mantra and scoop up even more valuable data.

Not that Google’s out of moves, though – it’s sitting on a mountain of data, 16 times more than its closest competitors.

So, maybe it will start playing nice by selling or licensing it out – just to keep the regulators off its back.

While the stock market has recently been riding high on the backs of a few colossal companies (yes, we’re looking at you, Magnificent Seven).

The fact that regulators are finally realizing that these Big Tech juggernauts might be a little too big for their britches – companies like Google, Meta (META) and Apple are now fending off regulatory crackdowns left and right.

The ripple effects could be huge…

Forcing these giants to rethink their business strategies.

So, investors might want to ask themselves: can these titans weather the storm and keep their winning streak going…

or are they about to tumble from their lofty perch?

Either way, the smart move is to keep your eye on things and make sure that you’re ready to move.

The beauty of GorillaTrades is the fact that we’re constantly keeping our eyes on what matters most: the data.

If you’re not watching the numbers, or even more, the numbers BEHIND the numbers, you might find yourself holding the bag.

But being forewarned is being forearmed…

Which is why I’m urging you now to become a member of GorillaTrades today.

We’ve built our name on a legacy of success – and when the proverbial chips are down – you want somebody in your corner who knows how to navigate rough waters.

I’d love to show you how the system works – but you really can’t see it from the outside. So please, consider joining today.

Of course, we understand that it may not be your thing…

But know we’re here if you need us.

Regardless, keep your eye on the Google situation – it may be the biggest development the market has seen since 2008.


Monopoly is a terrible thing, till you have it.” – Rupert Murdoch