Amazon (AMZN) and Visa (V) Set Negative Tone | July 26th 2014

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending July 26th, 2014 (Amazon (AMZN) and Visa (V) Set Negative Tone 7-26-14) Amazon (AMZN) and Visa (V) set a negative tone on Friday, as both announced earnings that fell short of analysts’ expectations. Visa is a Dow component, and that weighed heavily on the Dow. To…


Roller-Coaster Week on Wall Street | July 19th 2014

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending July 19th, 2014 (Roller-Coaster Week on Wall Street 7-19-14) It was a roller-coaster week on Wall Street as we saw up-and-down moves in response to everything from Janet Yellen’s Congressional testimony to the shooting down of a Malaysian airliner and Israel’s military move against Hamas. Throughout…


Bumpy Week for the Stock Market | July 12th 2014

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending July 12th, 2014 (Bumpy Week for the Stock Market 7-12-14) It was a bumpy week for the stock market, and Friday’s session started off with stocks edging lower. We did see things turn around a bit as the day wore on, though, as all three of…


Star Spangled Week for Stock Market | July 4th 2014

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending July 4th, 2014 (Star Spangled Week in the Stock Market 7-4-14) It was a Star Spangled way to end the week, with the Dow surpassing the high-profile 17,000 level, and the odds are good that “The Dow” will be the talk of backyard barbecues this holiday…


Late-Session Surge Goes Into the Green | June 29th 2014

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending June 29, 2014 (Late-Session Surge Goes Into the Green 6-29-14) It was one of those Fridays that had the “manipulation crowd” smiling. It is, after all, the end of the quarter on Monday so why not “run them hard” into the close? The late-session surge…


Close But No Cigar for Major Indices | June 21st 2014

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending June 21, 2014 (Close But No Cigar for Major Indices 6-21-14) It was close but no cigar for the major indices on Friday, as the exuberance from Janet Yellen’s Wednesday testimony continued to reverberate. Many market mavens were looking at the Dow 17,000 level and the…


Iraq Throws Cold Water on Lukewarm Economy | June 14th 2014

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending June 14, 2014 (Iraq Throws Cold Water on Lukewarm Economy 6-14-14) There is nothing like spending more than a decade “saving” the people of Iraq and establishing “freedom” and “peace” for all, only to have it seemingly unravel right now at the speed of light. News…


Dow Reaches All Time High, Again | June 7th 2014

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending June 7, 2014 (Stock Market Has Decent June 6-7-14) The postman’s creed reads that “Neither snow nor rain nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” With a few word changes, that old U.S. mail saying sums up the action…


Stock Market Has Decent May | May 31st 2014

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending May 31, 2014 (Stock Market Has Decent May 5-31-14) Forget about that old saying that investors should, “sell in May and go away.” May actually turned out to be a pretty decent month for the stock market as it notched monthly gains of 0.8% for the…
