earning season

When is Earning Season and What Does It Mean?

Once every quarter, investors in the stock market feel a communal tingle at the base of their spines. Their inner alarm clocks go off, their pulses race, their smartphone notifications go haywire, and their conferencing software throbs. Health and tech issues notwithstanding, that can only mean one thing:  It’s almost earnings season. When does earnings…

What’s Going On With General Motors?

It’s getting crazy out there…           Aren’t you glad you have a sane voice of reason like the Gorilla to help you sort through all the madness? If you’ve been trading consistently over the past, say 40 to 50 years, then you know that the market, stocks and the financial world tend to operate under a set…

how to trade

How to Trade Earnings Season

Every three months for about six weeks, the stock market goes through a series of fluctuations that are fueled by ecstasy and disappointment. Investors hover over their computer monitors, watching and listening for cues to enter or leave certain stock positions. Some of them pat themselves on the back for a job well done. Others…

chart buy sell stocks

Best Entry and Exit Indicators

The stock market is a reflection of human nature as much as it is of the economy. When we see a lot of people buy a product or follow a celebrity’s Twitter account, we’re more enticed to do so ourselves. When we see a lot of people stay away from a local restaurant or abandon…