What a year, huh?
2018 is shaping up to be one of the biggest and best for people like us – investors.
Of course, there were a few times this year when the markets seemed a little shaky – when investors worried that the “Trump Effect” was finally starting to wear off and people started to panic a little.
However, as we all know, panic is never good, but I’ll get to that in a moment…
What’s important to understand now is that all indications are showing those little “bobbles” we had over the past few months are finally stabilizing – which means that the worst may have passed!
And we may be in for incredible profits throughout the rest of the year – and I’ll show you why…
But first, I wanted to touch on the definition of faith.
Well, maybe not the definition – but an example of it…
I can’t tell you how many stories I have heard about people pulling everything they had out of the markets and putting them into places that are considered “safer.”
But here’s the thing…
There will always be moments of uncertainty in the financial world and how you react in those moments can determine whether you are successful or lose your shirt.
But every experienced investor knows that there is a protocol to follow – just like every experienced sailor knows what to do in turbulent seas…
Because how you prepare for both scenarios really aren’t that different.
If a hurricane is coming and the seas are going to be rough – it’s actually more dangerous to pull your boat out of the water and put it into a dry dock than it is to batten down the hatches.
So much more can happen to the boat on dry land than it can in the water…
The same could be said for your money.
If there’s a market scare, and you decide to cut your losses and pull your money out – chances are – you’ll never recoup your losses.
They’ll be gone forever…
However, if you keep your money in – weather the storm – often times, the losses you incurred initially are wiped out, and you may even gian MORE.
I’ve seen it thousands of times over the years…
In fact, I just experienced this same senario in my personal investment account over the past 60 days!
And it’s something I think a lot of investors forget about when the markets are headed south.
However, that’s not something I think we’ll have to worry about much over the next year.
As I said earlier, it seems, that the worst of it could be behind us at this point.
The “freak out” over rising interest rates, imminent trade wars, and inflation seems to have passed and a calmness has fallen over the markets as of late.
Simple, because even during the worst of it – even when people were at a fever pitch over what was going to happen…
The economy was still growing.
Unemployment rates are at sub-basement levels – and earnings are expected to grow into the double-digits this year…
Which has done a lot to calm the nerves of those with a jittery disposition.
It seems, finally, that the full fury of the American markets have been unleashed and it has ignited a fire under the economies of the rest of the world – which is very good…
Because what this growth means is that after a few years of getting the table scraps, investors like us are finally getting the very real chance to make some incredible gains on our money.
I have to tell you…
Everybody here at GorillaTrades is extremely excited about the coming opportunities that could soon be presented to us.
GorillaTrades was designed to create profits, regardless of what the markets are doing – as our trading matrix takes so many of these factors into account…
However, it’ll be nice to be able to see more stocks hit all of the required parameters needed in order to become one of our recommendations.
And all signs are pointing to that happening a lot more often…
I’d love to show you how it works by having you become a subscriber – but I totally understand if you want to work things out for yourself.
Just know, that if you need any help, we’re always here to help you down the path to market success.
Either way…
Take heart!
It seems we’re going to be in for a lot of fun. I mean, if making money is something you consider “fun!”
“Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia.” – Charles M. Schulz